The Brandals - The Brandals (Full Album 2003)

Total Resep 3/27/2020
The Brandals - The Brandals (Full Album 2003)
Artist The Brandals
Album The Brandals
Genre Rock & Roll
Release Year 2003
Language Indonesian
Quality MP3 128kbps stereo
Download Per Track (MP3):
  1. The Brandals - Marching Menuju Maut
  2. The Brandals - Lingkar Labirin
  3. The Brandals - 100 Km/Jam
  4. The Brandals - Hati Emosi
  5. The Brandals - Moonlight Child
  6. The Brandals - Stoned Travel
  7. The Brandals - Stagnansi vs. Konformis
  8. The Brandals - Mutasi Urban (Sang Korban I)
  9. The Brandals - Vague n' Hollow
  10. The Brandals - Anjing Urban (Sang Korban II)
  11. The Brandals - Ain't Nobody's Bitch

Download Album (RAR):
Download MP3 kualitas terbaik kualitas middle end. Lengkap dengan foto cover dari lagu yang Anda download. Enjoy! :)